Siting Feasibility Study

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In 2022, the Nebraska Legislature allocated $1 million to the Department of Economic Development (DED) to provide funds for a feasibility study to assess siting options for new advanced nuclear reactors. DED created the Nuclear Plant Siting Feasibility Study Program to administer the funds, which the state of Nebraska had received from the federal government as part of the American Rescue Plan Act. In January 2023, DED awarded a grant of $863,000 to Nebraska Public Power District (NPPD) to undertake the study.

The purpose of the nuclear plant siting feasibility study is to determine the best potential sites for construction of advanced small modular reactors — a new type of nuclear reactor being designed. These reactors have more refined safety features than the commercial nuclear reactors currently in operation. They also can more easily be scaled up or down, adjusting power output to meet demand for energy.

Auburn benefits from having a nuclear station near our community every day. I would encourage people to support a nuclear plant if it came to their community.

Crystal Dunekacke

City Administrator, City of Auburn